Early Takes
Cars In Trees - (Tyson Meade, 1984)
He's Got Girls - (Tyson Meade & Todd Walker, 1982)
Happy Cadillacs - (Tyson Meade & Todd Walker, 1982)
When She Says She Loves Me - (Tyson Meade, 1984) A very simple but catchy tune that showcases Tyson's voice at
its best and is complimented by Todd's restrained but perfectly suited lead guitar. This is as far as I know the only recording of this rare track
which demonstrates the band's early potential at tune-smithing.
Quotable Quotes
Chris Quote - Chris on the band as a form of self-expression.
Walker Quote - Walker on bar bands.
Tyson Cars Quote - Tyson on the origin of the song "Cars In Trees."
Tyson Alice Quote - Tyson on musical influences.
Tyson Sex Quote - Tyson on ...?
Live In Concert
Tripping Drag Queens - Live performance of the band circa 1988. On this partcular night
the band was playing a show in OKC at a place called Jammies as warm-up for the Meat Puppets. This was the same show where the band's bass amps
toppled over in mid-performance almost hitting several concert goers. A few stout individuals restacked them while the band carried on
without missing a beat.

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